1. Who/what influences your work the most?
Spending a year in Iraq as a medic and 10 years in the national guard are a big influence; and now as I re-learn how to live post war...research and work on practicing peace.
2. What life experience has impacted you?
See answer to previous question.
3. Where have you done workshops and teaching since you graduated?
2009--present: Adjunct Professor, Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, IA
2010: Visiting artist/lecturer, Endicott College, Art and War Panel, Beverly, MA
2009: Visiting artist/lecturer,
School of Visual Arts, National Conference of Liberal Arts and the
Education of Artists, Art of War, New York City, NY
Veterans Book Workshop, 1.3, Center for the Book, Minneapolis, MN
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Kendal College or Art and Design, Grand Rapids, MI
Urban Institute of Contemporary Art, Grand Rapids, MI
Ox Bow Institute, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Saugatuck, MI
2008 & 2009: Visiting Lecturer, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA
2008: Visiting artist/lecturer,
College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA
Anamosa State Penitentiary, Anamosa, IA
2007: Visiting artist/lecturer, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
2006 & 2007: Studio Assistant for Don Reitz, Clarkdale, AZ
2006: MFA Ceramics, Drawing, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
4. Are you into building your own kilns and equipment?
4. Are you into building your own kilns and equipment?
Yes, but haven't set up my own studio/kiln yet. I have worked with unwanted/discarded/abandoned clay and materials and tools.
8. What's your favorite books on art and on ceramics?
Clay and Glazes for the Potter, early edition I love...hmmmm a book by Deepak Chopra called unlocking the secrets or something like that is a good one about getting out of your head and into your heart. Ah, Lame Deer, I forget the author, is a good one about life...living life as art.
Johnny Cash, Ministry... Cat Power in a subtle way.
Well, I have been on the East Coast for the past couple of weeks for a lecture and the ceramic conference and love the action and history there. The easy, open, fertile, and simple unassuming ways of the Midwest are great, I live in Iowa now. And the Portland area of the West coast has been a yearly pilgrimage to hang with good friends out there....the mountians, rivers, forests and ocean are so great.
Indian Fusion as I am easing way up on flesh.
8. What's your favorite books on art and on ceramics?
Clay and Glazes for the Potter, early edition I love...hmmmm a book by Deepak Chopra called unlocking the secrets or something like that is a good one about getting out of your head and into your heart. Ah, Lame Deer, I forget the author, is a good one about life...living life as art.
Hmmm, I don't know, I don't think about it too much.
I haven't gotten to the Bray yet, but it is on the list for sure. I have heard only glowing words about the facility, expierence, and of course the history with Pete Voulkos and Rudy--it is legendary.
More of Jesse Albrecht's work can be seen at artaxis.org.